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The great music of Duke Ellington

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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Ellington, Duke
Jahr: 1973
Verlag: Miami, Fl., Bellwin-Mills
Mediengruppe: Noten
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Zweigstelle: Zentralbibliothek Standorte: A 303 Elli / Ebene 1.2 Status: Entliehen Frist: 11.12.2024 Vorbestellungen: 0 Barcode: 08583200


Musikalische Besetzung: Für Gesang u. Klavier mit Gitarrenakkordsymbolen
Alabamy Home. Azure. Birmingham Breakdown. Black Butterfly. Bli-Blip. Boy meets horn. Brown skin gal in the Calico gown, The. Caravan. Come Sunday. Creole Love Call, The. Day Dream. Do nothin' till you hear from me. Doin' the crazy walk. Don't get around much anymore. Echoes of Harlem. Everything but you. Five o'clock drag. Gal from Joe's, The. Gypsy without a song. I got it bad and that ain't good. I let a song go out of my heart. I never felt this way before. I'm just a lucky so and so. I'm riding on the moon and dancing on the stars. I'm so in love with you. In a sentimental mood. It don't mean a thing ( If it ain't got that Swing ). Jeep is jumpin'. Lady in Blue .Lost in meditation. Love you madly. Mood Indigo. Paris Blues. Please forgive me. Prelude to a kiss. Ring dem Bells. Rockin' in rhythm.Satin Doll. Solitude. Something to live for. Sophisticated Lady. Take the "A" Train


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Ellington, Duke
Jahr: 1973
Verlag: Miami, Fl., Bellwin-Mills
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik A 303
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
Beschreibung: Klavierpartitur, 143 S.
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Mediengruppe: Noten